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How to spot a real DeeJay

This ain't even one of those back in the day rants, but the only reason why it always seems like that is the case is because things in the past was a lot more on point.

Some times there is a reason for laws and regulations it is as a means to preserve what is truth and not allowed false hood and fakeness to enter.

imagine if god had sed that snakes shouldn't be allowed to talk we would be in a whole different situation "bad e.g. but you see where I'm coming from".



Thank you to boom bap making hip hop info so easy to find.

in order to start with the filtering of poison which has infested the game, we have to start with the the DeeJays as they are the epicentre of the whole movement, not the eMCee or the record labels.

i know technology has improved drastically but we got so called deejays that don't even carry a vinyl to scratch with. I know you have serato now and I'm not a DJ its not my element but there is DEFINATE do's and don'ts of the Deejay


.bring though new hot artists

. scratch/ beat juggling/ mixing

.battle with other deejay

.represent there areas throw community jams

.carry white labels

.be original


.play what the radio plays

.use cd decks

.pre mix there shows

.sell out

As i deepen my understanding on the issues i will elaborate but ill leave it on this note HIP HOP ELEVATES

lets ELEVATE and it starts with strengthening the foundation and for all those eMCee who earns more so feel like they have a bigger say or the sell outs who distroys the game lets wash the plain clean and rebuild.


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